BPH Migas and Intensified Monitoring Task Team to Prevent Misuse of fuel subsidy

ibrahim_batamJAKARTA . Quota fuel oil ( BBM ) subsidy in 2014 has not changed . Quotas are the same as in 2013 , which amounted to 48 million kilo liters ( KL ) . However , because there is still a disparity in the price of fuel subsidy and non- subsidy so many cases of abuse . Coupled with the increasing number of motor vehicles , is certainly not an easy thing guarding the quota so that enough until the end of December 2014 .

Downstream Regulatory Agency Committee on Oil and Gas ( BPH Migas ) Hashim Ibrahim explains, it along with the Task Force ( Task Force ) Monitoring fuel consisting of elements of the military , BIN , Police , Bakorkamla , Attorney General , Directorate General of Customs and intensive supervision practices in order to reduce fuel acts of abuse occurred in some areas in Indonesia .

” BPH Migas with Tim fuel intensive Oversight Task Force will continue to work hard to suppress the practice of monitoring the fuel acts of abuse throughout Indonesia in order to reduce the quota quota of 48 million KL , ” said Ibrahim , Thursday ( 9/01/2014 ) .

As known , throughout 2013 and have been found as many as 947 cases of misuse of fuel . The case is higher than the previous year , ie 609 cases . Of the 947 cases of abuse of the fuel , which successfully secured the evidence reached 7,235,093 liters , with an estimated value of the evidence was Rp . 68 733 billion . ( assuming the value of the rupiah to Rp 9,500 ) .

” This year BPHMIGAS joint Task Force Oversight Team will be more intensive operations that are in fact subsidized fuel quota for poor people to be distributed more targeted , precise volume and time as intended , ” he said .


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