Jakarta – In accordance with the provisions Pasal 8 Undang-undang Migas Nomor 22 Tahun 2001 regarding Oil and Gas BPH Migas is responsible for the regulation and supervision of the activities of the supply and distribution of fuel oil and business activities through Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas.
In these activities, BPH Migas established pursuant to the Oil and Gas Law No.22 of 2001 is held three interests, namely the government, enterprises andpeople. So it becomes something that is very important to be maintainedexsistensinya. Moreover BPH Migas as one of the Agency is quite efficient in the use of the operational budget.
Secretary of the Governing Body of the Downstream Oil and Gas (BP Migas) Asngadah Umi said all costs BPHMigas purposes such as salaries and other operating costs are financed by dues regulated enterprises and not fromthe state budget (Budget).
“During this entire operational costs BPH Migas was financed from Levy Enterprises that have had the GeneralCommercial Business License and Permit Trading Limited fuel, natural gas commerce business license through thepipe, as well as Natural Gas Transportation Permit through the pipe,” said Secretary of BPH Migas Umi Asngadah inspace Works, Friday, at (12/05/2014).
He added, of data per December 3, 2014, the amount of dues Enterprises already paid into the State Treasury hasreached Rp.962.573.357.102, -. Even predicted to reach more than Rp 1 trillion at the end of 2014.
“Operating costs BPH Migas currently only Rp.109.815.401.062, -. or approximately 11% of the total state revenueobtained Contribution Enterprises. So that the rest of the budget that is not absorbed entirely remitted to the State Treasury as tax state Opinions (non-tax). So BPH Migas very efficient in the use of the budget, “said Umi.