Surabaya – Government some time ago, have increased the price of fuel oil(BBM) respectively Rp. 2,000 per liter to type Premium Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, on October 17, 2014 last.
This price increase also resulted in disparities between non-subsidized fuelsubsidy by the less. On that basis, Member of the House of RepresentativesCommission VII of Gerindra Party Harry Purnomo said Circular No. BPH Migas937/07 / Ka BPH / 2014 dated July 24, 2014 regarding the control ofsubsidized diesel fuel and gasoline, one of which prohibits the gas station at highway rest area selling subsidized fuel is irrelevant.
“I think the BPH Migas circular prohibiting gas station on the highway rest area to sell fuel subsidy is irrelevant.The price of fuel subsidies have gone up so much that the migration to pertamak. So please be corrected, even if itwas to maintain the quotas. There must be a way out”, Harry said during a working visit trial recess period I year2014-2015 in Surabaya, Tuesday (12/09/2014).
Therefore, said Harry begging BPH Migas do not prohibit the sale of fuel subsidy on the highway let alone thiswould be full of holiday road toll, let Pertamina still sell PSO fuel on the highway. “In my opinion this cap thinkingless fit”, he said.
Besides Harry also mentioned the existence of AKR who participate in the distribution of subsidized and non-subsidized fuel. She also requested an audit of PT AKR.
“I’m the last 5 years audited PT AKR the oil from which, import how, pay import tax how ?,” he said.
Responding to the statement, BPH Migas Committee Sumihar Panjaitan revealed when the ban on the sale of fuelsubsidy highway rest area reopened feared to increase quotas, because the projections will increase by about 1.4million to 1.7 million KL KL, so it would cost the least PT Pertamina itself.
Presented Sumihar, BPH Migas impose assignment letter PSO fuel supply and distribution of January 1 at 00:00 pmuntil December 31 at 24.00 pm. This is in line with the budget law No. 12 of 2014 which has been stated that thePSO lockable fuel volume by 46 million KL.
“Based on the so BPH Migas could not get out of these provisions”, said Sumihar.
Related to request an audit of the last 5 years to AKR, Sumihar outlines as a public company, PT AKR certainlytransparent, especially this will relate to the value of its shares. “So in our opinion, they’ve certainly audited by a public accountant”, he explained.