JAKARTA – PT Pertamina (Persero) will gradually begin to decrease the import of Premium in November 2015 following the operation of the unit will soon Residual Fluid Catalytic Cracking (RFCC) Cilacap and Trans Pacific Petroleum Refinery Indonesia (TPPI) in Tuban.
The second unit of the Pertamina has the potential to earn additional Premium production up to 91,000 barrels per day, each 30,000 barrels per day of RFCC Cilacap and 61,000 barrels per day of refinery TPPI Tuban.
Vice President Corporate Communications of Pertamina Wianda Premium Pusponegoro said national consumption is around 29.5 million KL in which around 17.1 million kiloliters per year or 9 million barrels per month derived from imports. Therefore, Pertamina continues to take steps to reduce imports breakthrough Premium, among which may be realized in the near future is RFCC Cilacap and TPPI Tuban refinery.
Wianda revealed RFCC Cilacap has entered the final stages of commissioning. Cilacap RFCC, he said, ready to commercial operation no later than the second week of October 2015.
“Based on the last check, RFCC Cilacap ready 100% and commercial operation is expected in the second week of October the project will be inaugurated. With the operation of the RFCC Cilacap Premium imports would be reduced by about 30,000 barrels per day, or 10.95 million barrels per year which is equivalent to 10% of imports, “tutu in his official statement on Wednesday (30/09/2015).
For TPPI Tuban refinery, further Wianda, Pertamina in accordance with government directives will start Refinery TPPI start up in late September. Furthermore, the company expects commercial operation can be carried out in the span immediately after RFCC Cilacap Premium operating with production capacity at an early stage about 20,000 barrels per day.
TPPI Tuban refinery in optimal capacity can produce premium of about 61,000 barrels per day, or about 22.27 million barrels per year. The amount is equivalent to approximately 20% of imported premium for this.
“With the operation of the two units, the total potential reduction Premium Pertamina imports reached 91,000 barrels per day, or about 33.21 million barrels per year. Assuming gasoline market index prices of approximately US $ 60 per barrel, that means a reduction in the value of imports reached US $ 1.99 billion in a year, “said Wianda.
Meanwhile, Pertamina also has committed to absorb Biofuel FAME form until the end of the year reached about 1 million KL. In fact, next year, Pertamina is targeting to be able to absorb FAME up to 5.14 million KL, where mandatory percentage will increase to 20% -30%, from the current 15% -25%.
“Pertamina strong commitment to the implementation of this policy is critical to withstand the strong flow of foreign exchange out of the country, especially from imports Solar,” concludes Wianda.