JAKARTA. Government and Parliament has set a quota of fuel oil (BBM) Subsidized for 2014 amounted to 48 million kilo liters (KL). Latas like what Allocations Implementation of Supply and Distribution of Fuel Type Specific (P3JBT) is?
Downstream Regulatory Agency Committee on Oil and Gas (BPH Migas) has advised Panjaitan Sumihar there are some that should be taken in the context of the determination of the allocation P3JBT 2014.
First, prepare a fuel Directorate Head of BPH Migas to the Minister of the Interior to request the data associated with a number of provincial, district and city in the whole of Indonesia.
Selannjutnya data from the verification results conducted by BPH Migas, to be used as the basis for determining the allocation of fuel to foreign m each district of the Province and City.
“Given the absence of additional P3JBT quota allocation for the year 2014, the Directorate of fuel required to prepare additional fuel demands of the Local Governments and Perli in rationalize with realization based on the results of verification BPH Migas,” said Sumihar recently.