Aceh – Regulatory Agency for Upstream Oil and Gas (BPH Migas) carry out socialization Through Utilization of Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Segment Arun-Belawan, Wednesday (15/09/2015) in the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.
According to BPH Migas Committee Ibrahim, the implementation of the Natural Gas Utilization Dissemination Through Transmission Pipeline Segment Arun-Belawan necessary to remember there are three main tasks pertaining to natural gas. First, there are three main tasks BPH Migas according to Gas Law no. 22/2001 with regard to natural gas, which involves exploitation of gas transmission, determination of toll fee gas transportation via pipeline and pricing of gas to households and small customers.
Socialization is addressed to the Government, especially the Government of Aceh, North Sumatra Government, Regency / City in the region crossed by the transmission pipeline segment and the business world. Pipe segment Arun-Belawan transmission can be used for factories, industries, city gas network, recidential and others. BPH Migas encourage businesses to take advantage of the pipeline.
“Second, technically utilization of gas flowing in the pipe Arun-Belawan still not optimal. I can be the news that gas is now 200 MMSCFD new unused 95 MMSCFD. In fact, it could have developed more than 200 MMSCFD,” said Ibrahim Hashim, Wednesday (15 / 09 / 2-15).
Through this forum, continued Ibrahim is expected to find an alternative solution that should be done, so that industrial development in Aceh that utilize natural gas pipeline Belawan arun can grow gradually.
Meanwhile, Head of Mining and Provincial Government of Aceh Said Ikhsan reveal pipeline project that has been completed and tested distribution has been carried out early last year is expected in the near future will run normally to be able to improve the performance of the industry in Aceh and North Sumatra that can accelerate development.
“Socialization Forum Utilization of Natural Gas Pipeline Through Arun-Belawan Transmission segment is expected to not only explain the latest developments of this project, but can also as a venue for discussion of gnats we can find a solution,” he said.