Jakarta – Two Enterprises, PT. Pertamina (Persero) and PT. Aneka Kimia RayaCorporindo., Friday (12/21/2014) in the Auditorium Building BPH Migas receiveDecree Implementing Supply and Distribution Type Specific Fuel Oil (P3JBT)2015.
Decree of the Assignment is submitted directly by the Head of Downstream Oil and Gas (BP Migas) Andy Noorsaman Sommeng to the President Director of PTPertamina (Persero) Soetjipto and President Director of PT AKR Tbk., HaryantoAdikoesoemo.
Prior to submission of the assignment SK P3JBT 2015, first signing acceptance of the Decree assignment P3JBT2015 Enterprises of Downstream Regulatory Agency for Oil and Gas to PT. Pertamina (Persero) and PT. AKR Tbk.Signatory witnessed by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) TruePamudji representing the Minister.
In his speech, Andy describes in seleski Enterprises P3JBT 2015, BPH Migas has invited 82 business entities thathave a business license Commercial General Fuel of the Government to follow the general description of theBusiness Entity Selection designation P3JBT.
“Of the 82 enterprises were invited in general explanation PSO fuel by 2015, there were 23 business entities to register and take the selection of documents. Furthermore, only 5 Enterprises which returns the document, namelyPT Pertamina (Persero), PT AKR Tbk, PT Surya Parna Niaga, PT Nusantara Energy Sources, and PT Tri WahanaUniversal”, said Andy.
Fifth Business Entities are then evaluated. Evaluation includes evaluation administrative, technical and financialcapability to undertake field visits to verify or check the location offered by business entities.
“Through the Committee hearing on Thursday, December 4, 2014, it was decided two entities that can perform the supply and distribution of fuel type in 2015 the number Specific Fuel Type Specific quotas respectively, PT.Pertamina (Persero) amounted to 45.355 million KL, PT . AKR Tbk of 645,000 KL”, said Andy
Andy added, to the location of the new dealer two business entities are located in areas that are still in need of anew supplier to serve the people who are in need. Associated with pengawasanya, said Andy, BPH Migas asChairman of the Task Force on Monitoring the Supply and Distribution of subsidized fuel will increase strategy andcoordination together with the Attorney General, Army, Police, BIN, Customs and Excise, Baharkam police and local government.
On assignment in 2015, BPH Migas to enterprises to implement appropriate P3JBT Presidential Regulation No. 45of 2009 distribution will be carried out with a closed system, the implementation will be done in stages using an integrated information technology system.
To the Business Entity, Andy hopes to always seek to protect the products are distributed thus simplifying theapparatus to be easily identified, whether the fuel is legal or non-legal.
“Congratulations work to PT Pertamina (Persro) and PT. AKR Tbk., For the trust given by the government asManaging Supply and Distribution of Type of Fuel Specific to 2015, starting January 1, 2015 at 00.00 untilDecember 31, 2015 at 24.00. BPH oil and Gas hope within the enterprises can ensure the availability of subsidized fuel throughout wilahah the Republic of Indonesia”, he concluded.