JAKARTA. From 2006 until January 2014, there were 151 business entitiesBusiness Registration Number (NRU) of the Regulatory Agency for Upstream Oil and Gas (BPH Migas).
BPH Migas committee member, Ibrahim Hashim revealed, giving the NRU isone effort that all business entities who have received business license so it can be monitored performance was recorded in the field.
The number of entities that are licensed authority of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas utmost efforts . However , it does not mean when the entity gets the NRU will provide significant benefits to increasing the availability of fuel .This is because it is not necessarily a business entity that has received the all operating NRU , have piled tank and bring fuel from overseas especially if you only buy fuel from other business entities in the country ?
“This question should be able to answer because otherwise it will be difficult to answer whether all entities that have a business license is a significant benefit to increase the availability of fuel in the country , ” said Ibrahim , Monday ( 03/24/2014 ) in Jakarta.
All these enterprises sell non-subsidized fuel to industries that amount of volume reached 40 % of the national volume of fuel . While current industrial plants amid busy to switch to natural gas or coal . This is a major problem that must be carefully managed , as a national energy policy is to reduce fuel use and encourage the use of natural gas and other energy.
“So what needs to continue to add new fuel commercial enterprises especially if it does not carry the fuel from the outside , then obviously there is no significance at all to strengthen the resilience of domestic supplies . Therefore we need close supervision , especially not to the many entities that receive fuel from subsidized fuel, “said Ibrahim.