BPH Migas Regulation and Control of Fuel Display In front of the Governor, The Regent and Holds Maluku Provinces

maluku2AMBON. Regulatory Agency for Upstream Oil and Gas (BPH Migas) scheduledto explain the regulation and supervision of fuel oil (BBM) in Development Planning Meeting (Musrenbang) in Ambon, Maluku, on Wednesday(2/04/2014).

“Government feels it is necessary to know what kind of fuel subsidy governance in supporting development and life in the area . Moreover, lately the speed of growth in fuel consumption higher areas . In Budget 2014 the quota has been set at 48 million kiloliters. Premium volume rose in detail while the volume of diesel fuel is less than the quota in 2013 , “says BPH Migas committee member Ibrahim Hashim.

Therefore, further Ibrahim, the role of local government is expected to pass on education escort quota per district / town set BPH Migas . Regarding guidance for regulations on education has been governed by BPH Migas numbers 4 and 5 in 2012.

Previously, BPH Migas committee consisting of M. Fanshurullah Asa , Sumihar Panjaitan , Martin S. Ritonga and Ibrahim had a meeting with the Deputy Governor of the Moluccas and the Assistant Head along with related . One of the main discussion of the importance of supervising the supply and distribution of fuel due to its quota equal to the previous year , at 48 million kiloliters of fuel and infrastructure needs in Southwest Maluku.

The opening ceremony was attended by the Minister ‘s own musrenbang National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas , Prof. . Dr. . Armida S. Alisjahbana.


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