JAKARTA. To overcome the energy crisis in Aceh and North Sumatra, the Arunnatural gas pipeline-Belawan continued accelerated. The project which began in April 2013, is expected to be completed more quickly in November 2014.
Members of the Governing Body Committee on Downstream Oil and Gas (BPHMigas), Ibrahim Hashim, who was accompanied by the Director of Gas BPH Migas, Umi Asngadah and Gas Enterprise Oversight Kasie BambangSupriyanto, some time ago hoping, Arun gas pipe-Belawan is ready to operatein 2014.
“I am optimistic that the Arun natural gas pipeline construction-Belawan can be completed in October 2014 according to the targets set by the Government.Therefore we expect the support of local government and the community,”said Ibrahim.
Ibrahim said the installation of the pipeline in addition to develop a plantation area, the port industry, otherindustries, also can improve and develop the potential in the region through the gas pipeline.
“Compared with other fuels, natural gas is cheaper so it can connect with the needs of the community,” he said.
As known, the project started in April 2013 which will be completed in two years, namely in April 2015. However,due to the energy crisis in Aceh and North Sumatra, the construction of a gas pipeline in order to completeaccelerated in October and started commercial operations in November 2014.