BPH Migas Successfully Collected Rp. 1 Trillion more Companies Contribution

logo-2Jakarta – Regulatory Agency for Upstream Oil and Gas (BP Migas) managed to raise Rp. 1 trillion over Dues entities that have a General Commercial Business License and Permit Trading Limited fuel, natural gas commerce business license through the pipe, as well as Natural Gas Transportation Permit through the pipe. Dues are directly deposited into the state treasury as tax state revenue (non-tax).

BPH Migas Committee Ibrahim Hashim, who gives speech during a celebrationperformance contributions of business entities that reached more than Rp 1trillion, said this is one form of the gains of BPH Migas is increasing, but there are still things that need to be practiced.

“Especially today we are grateful that the target has been reached Rp. 1 trillion over. Let us be grateful for it all the while thanking God who has given us a good way so that the targets set can be achieved”, said Ibrahim.

Ibrahim described, at baseline to BPH Migas Committee, at which time Nasution still served as Director General of Taxation submit an inquiry to BPH Migas, why after the enactment of Law No. 22 out of 2001, where the market opened, the tax revenue is decreasing.

“The question becomes BPH Migas motivation to continue to work hard to pursue the missing (tax state revenue)”, said Ibrahim, on Wednesday (12/24/2014) in the Auditorium Building BPH Migas, Jakarta.

Previous Secretary of BPH Migas, Umi Asngadah said data per December 3, 2014, the amount of dues Enterprisesalready paid into the State Treasury has reached Rp.962.573.357.102, -. Even predicted to reach more than Rp 1trillion at the end of 2014.

“Thank God it’s been collected Rp. 1 trillion over Dues collected Enterprises BPH Migas”, said Umi Asngadah.

Attending the ceremony BPH Migas Committee Fahmi Harsandono, Sumihar Panjaitan, Saryono Hadiwidjoyo,Karseno, Echelon III and IV as well as all employees of BPH Migas.


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