BPH Magazine Edition 18
[real3dflipbook id=”89″] Investment Potential of Natural Gas
[real3dflipbook id=”89″] Investment Potential of Natural Gas
[real3dflipbook id=”88″] Strengthening the Role of BPH Migas
[real3dflipbook id=”87″] Changes Towards Improvement
[real3dflipbook id=”84″] PSO Fuel Supply Challenges
[real3dflipbook id=”83″] Step Forward Gas Pipeline Infrastructure Development
[real3dflipbook id=”82″] Map of Subsidized Fuel Diversion Changed
[real3dflipbook id=”81″] Void to Dispersed, Time BPH Migas to be Strengthened
[real3dflipbook id=”80″] 2013 Quota Swelling, Subsidies Surge
[real3dflipbook id=”79″] Restrictions Subsidized Fuel Consumption
[real3dflipbook id=”78″] Determined Tightens Supervision, To Prevent Leaks