Attached Announcement Administrative Determination and Evaluation Technical Bid Document (Envelope I) Selection in the Environment Directorate General Gas BPH Migas FY 2012 for a job:
1. Studies on the Formation of Gas City Region Bulungan, East Kutai, Unggaran and Gresik (Package I);
2. Studies on the Formation of Gas City Region Duri, Dumai, Langkat and Lubuk Linggau (Package II);
3. Application of Multi-Rate Studies Transportation of Natural Gas Pipeline Through the Specific Segment (Package III).
For prospective participants stated Passed provider of administrative and technical (Envelope I), invited to the opening of Bid Document Fee (Cover II) at:
Day / Date: Monday, May 21, 2012
Time: 09.00 – Finish
Venue: BPH Migas Lt. 3. Gas Directorate. Jl. Captain P. No. Tendean. 28 Jakarta.
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