JAKARTA. Located in the office of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources ( MEMR ) Tuesday ( 10/07/2012 ) Dr.Ir. Djoko Siswanto , MBA was appointed Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources ( ESDM ) Wacik , became director of fuel BPH Migas . Previously , Djoko Siswanto served as Chairman of the Working Group ( Kapoja ) fuel supply and distribution of fuel region I in Directorate of BPH Migas replace Deddi Wijaya .
Besides Dr.Ir. Djoko Siswanto , sworn served as the second echelon , Wacik also inaugurated the second echelon , such as ; Dr.Ir.Ego Syahrial , M.Sc , becoming Head of Data and Information EMR , Ir . A.Edy Hermantoro , M.Si served as Secretary of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas , Ir . Naryanto Wagimin , M.Si served as Director of Upstream Oil and Gas , Ir.Umi Asngadah , MT Oil and Gas Downstream Business Development Director.
Furthermore, Ir . Edi Purnomo served as Director of Engineering and Environmental Oil and Gas , Ir . Geothermal Tisnaldi Director of the Directorate General of EBTKE , Ir . Moch Syahdirin , the Secretary of the National Unit MCE KORPRI MEMR , Ir . Sam Permanadewi , M.Si served as Head of Central Geological Survey , Dra . Retno Damayanti , Dipl.EST served as Head of Research and Development Center for Mineral and Coal Technology , and Dr. Ir Hadi Susilo was Head of Marine Geology Research Center .
Appointment of Officials Structural Echelon II is contained in the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources K/73/MEM/2012 No. 2168 dated July 10, 2012.
Pengangkatan Pejabat Struktural Eselon II tersebut Tertuang dalam Keputusan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Nomor 2168 K/73/MEM/2012 tanggal 10 Juli 2012.