JAKARTA. Indonesia has a fairly large reserves of natural gas. However, its location is still far from consumption centers such as Java, an opportunity to build natural gas infrastructure that connects the central sources andnatural gas consumption.
“Lack of transmission pipelines and gas distribution opportunities for mengembagkan existing gas infrastructure.The use of natural gas is currently touching new dominant industrial sector. Thus wide open for other sectors, such as transport, domestic and commercial, “said Governing Body Committee on Downstream Oil and Gas (BPH Migas)A. Qoyum Tjandranegara, some time ago.
Currently, Indonesia is still expensive energy imports, namely crude oil and fuel, while gas reserves large enoughso that the resulting opportunities substitute the expensive fuel with natural gas price is much cheaper.
According Qoyum, there are 3 main things that must be done for the successful development of gas sector. Firstavailability of gas supply for domestic supply at competitive prices according to the market, the availability ofcompetitive markets where natural gas to other fuels, and the institutional and financial capabilities for the development of natural gas infrastructure.
Therefore, the Government should identify projects short, medium and long field of exploration, production,transmission and distribution so that it has an integrated investment program.
“To meet the demand of natural gas in the country, Indonesia needs additional jaraingan gas pipeline and LNGreceiving terminal,” he said.