Semarang. Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on Friday(14/03/2014) conduct groundbreaking development of the Integrated GasInfrastructure Project in Central Java. The project includes Kalimantan-JavaTransmission Pipeline (Kalija) which will be completed in two phases and GasDistribution Project in Central Java which is divided into three corridors.
Two stages of development it is Kalija Transmission Pipeline Pipeline Kalija Ialong 207 kilometers connecting the gas source Gas Field Kepodang to PLTGUPond Lorok (PLN) and Pipe Kalija II along 1,200 kilometers connecting the gas resources in East Kalimantan to Java. The three corridors of natural gas distribution network in Central Java is covering Kendal Corridor I -Semarang – Demak (48 km), Corridor II: Unggaran region (34 km) and Corridor-III in Pekalongan Solo Raya-Starch(235 km).
Attending the inauguration ceremony of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Wacik, BPH Migas Chief Andi Noorsaman Sommeng, Acting Head of Oil and Gas SKK , John Widjanarko, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo , President Director of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara ( Persero ) Tbk ( PGN ) Hendi P Santoso.
Jero said the construction of an integrated gas infrastructure projects in Central Java is an important momentum to accelerate the energy conversion from fuel to Natural Gas. The government hopes the construction of the pipeline from the gas field to Combined Cycle Power Plant Pond Lorok Kepodang be completed on time, thus saving energy costs PLN.
I Kalija pipeline project will be implemented by the Java Gas PT Kalimantan ( PT KJG ) , which is 80% owned by state gas that National Gas Company ( PGN ). The project is targeted for completion in the third quarter of 2015.While Kalija transmission pipeline project Phase II will be built later.
Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources are also added, the construction of this project I Kalija into evidence Government ‘s success in boosting the acceleration of natural gas infrastructure after the project was stalled for so long . Acceleration of natural gas infrastructure is also in line with the government’s efforts to continue to improve the allocation of domestic natural gas. In 2014, domestic gas allocation plan totaled 4,560 billion British thermal units per day ( BBTUD ) or 57.3 percent of the total production, while in 2013 the allocation of domestic natural gas as much as 3,774 or 52.6 percent BBTUD.
“The government will continue to increase in line with the allocation of domestic gas infrastructure development and increasing use of natural gas in various regions in Indonesia . Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Gas will encourage SOEs to engage actively build natural gas infrastructure as has been done today with the build – Pond Pipe Kepodang Lorok, ” he said.
Integrated gas infrastructure development in Central Java needs to be accelerated given the region has not got the gas flow to the maximum. With the infrastructure and gas supply industry and the economy of Central Java will grow faster with the level of competitiveness that is getting stronger.
“Construction of the transmission pipeline Kalija I should immediately proceed with the construction of distribution pipelines in various regions of Central Java. The availability of cheap energy such as natural gas will encourage investments and investors to various industrial sectors. It would be very positive for job creation and increased prosperity , especially in the area of Central Java, “said Jero.