Ibrahim Hashim: Do not Doubt In BPH Migas Adopt of Regulation No. 6 of 2015

makassar1Makassar – Regulatory Agency for Upstream Oil and Gas (BPH Migas) some time ago has issued Regulation No. 6 Year 2015 About the Distribution Type Fuel Type Specific and Special Assignments Not There At The Regional Distributors.

Applicability expected in no doubt of the public because the rules are made by the previous session of the Committee conducted public hearings with all stakeholders and has been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.

“So the element of legality high enough. Do not doubt in applicability. That there is no shortage here of course will be evaluated,” said Ibrahim Hashim BPH Migas Committee when the Workshop on Oil and Gas Downstream Regulatory Match Perception, here Wednesday (26/8/2015 ).

Ibrahim added, this regulation is expected to help permasalaan distribution of fuel oil (BBM) in remote areas, islands and remote areas where no channeling institution in order to be served in sufficient and adequate.

“We hope that the rules that we make can help the problems of fuel distribution that still we feel there are areas that have not been regulated. If the former is set this is the area that is empty there is no pengaturanya. Regulation of BPH Migas No. 6 of 2015 hold true for all of us, “he concluded.

As known, since Rule No. 6 in 2015 has published five times conducted workshops with stakeholders perception. Not long did the implementation in Makassar, South Sulawesi.


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