Jakarta – Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo asked the Regent / Mayor of Central Java is more selective in providing letters of recommendation purchases of fuel oil (BBM). This is done considering the quota granted by theRegulatory Agency for Upstream Oil and Gas (BPH Migas) to Central Java declined by 2%.
“Based on the Decree of the Head of Downstream Oil and Gas Number 07/PSO/BPH MIGAS/KOM/2014 About Supply and Distribution Quotas Specific Types of fuel oil per District/City of Central Java declined by 2%”, said the letter Ganjar which was copied to BPH Migas in May 2014.
According to him, the provision of a letter of recommendation that the purchase of the fuel subsidy issue by the Regional Working Units (on education) in order to be guided by the Central Java Governor Instruction No. 541 / 012 696 dated July 15, 2013 On Oversight and Monitoring of Fuel Subsidy Distribution in Central Java.
In addition, the order granting letters of recommendation are also guided by the Central Java Governor Circular No. 5541/01629241 Date 19 September 2013 About Control Subsidized Fuel Quota in Central Java Province.
As known that the national quota of subsidized fuel in 2014, lower diesel oil. In 2013 a quota of diesel oil by 16,030 million kl. While in 2014 only amounted to 14.640 million KL.