Jero Wacik inaugurated 24 Echelon II officials in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources

eselon2Jakarta – Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Jero Wacik inaugurated 24Echelon II in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) Friday(18/7). A total of 5 officers and 19 officials are promotional rotation andmutation. Appointment of Structural Echelon II officials is contained in the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 3089 K / 73 /MEM / 2014 dated July 15, 2014. Disclosed the inauguration Jero has meaningrefresher to improve the effectiveness of the challenges and tasks of the future state. Therefore, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources must be ready to prepare human resourcesat all levels.

“To complete the Echelon I and Echelon II today we complete. There is a promotion, transfer and rotation. All thesame goal to strengthen and refresh cracked human in ESDM sector. There is no like or dislike in the office, “saidJero.

For the post of Structural Echelon II in BPH Migas, Jero induct Ir.Umi Asngadah, MT formerly Director Gas rotatedas Secretary BPH Migas. Then Ir. Hendra Fadly who previously served as Director of Upstream Oil and Gas in the Directorate General of Oil and Gas transferred to BPH Migas as Director of Fuel and Dr.Ir. Djoko Siswanto MBA,previously Secretary of BPH Migas rotated Director of Natural Gas.

The names of other officials Structural Echelon II are as follows:

  1. Drs. Faith Rochendi Karmawan Ahmad, MM as the Bureau Chief of the General Secretariat of the GeneralKESDM.
  2. Ir. Harya Adityawarman as Secretary General Inspectorate KESDM.
  3. Bambang Utoro, SH, MM, M.Env.Stud as Inspector II Inspector General KESDM.
  4. Hufron, SH, M. Hum as Secretary of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas.
  5. Ir. Cahyono Agus Adi, MT as the Director of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas Oil and Gas Program.
  6. Ir. Naryanto Wagimin, M.Si as Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Directorate General of Oil and Gas.
  7. Ir. Heri Purnomo, MEMD as Director of Business Development Directorate General of Oil and Natural Gas.
  8. Ir. Munir Ahmad as Director of Electrification Programs Directorate General of Electricity.
  9. Ir.Paul Lubis, MT as the Secretary of the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal.
  10. Dra. Retno Damayanti, Dipl.EST as Program Director of Mineral and Coal.
  11. Drs. R. Edi Prasodjo, M.Sc as Director of Business Development Mineral.
  12. Dr.Ir.Bambang Tjahjono Setiabudi, M.Sc Coal as a Business Development Director.
  13. Ir. Bambang Susigit, M.T. as Director of Engineering and Environmental, Mineral and Coal.
  14. Ir.Iman Kristian Sinulingga as Secretary of the Geological Agency.
  15. Dra. Yanni Kussuryani, M.Si as Secretary of the Agency for Research and Development of Energy and Mineral Resources
  16. Dr.Ir. Bambang Widarsono, M.Sc as Head of Research and Development of Oil and Gas Technology”LEMIGAS”
  17. Ir. Dede Ida Suhendra, M.Sc. as head of the Center for Mineral and Coal Technology.
  18. Drs. Endang Sutisna as Secretary of Energy and Mineral Resources and Training Agency.
  19. Ir. Hasril Zahri Nuzahar, MBA as Chief KEBTKE Training Center.
  20. Ir. Hedi Hidayat, M.Si as Head of Training Centre for Mineral and Coal.
  21. Ir. Mohammad Hidayat as Head of the Geology Training Center.


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