JAKARTA. Until now Indonesia has reserves of fuel oil ( BBM ) nationwide . Though the legislation ( Act ) No. 22 of 2001 Oil and Gas Article 46 paragraph ( 3 ) explained that one of the tasks include setting the Governing Body and the determination of the national fuel reserves , not the operational reserve Enterprises .
Downstream Regulatory Agency Committee on Oil and Gas ( BPH Migas ) M. Fanshurullah Asa stressed that if the national fuel reserves of Article 46 paragraph ( 3 ) is still assumed to be operational reserve operational reserve mustinya Enterprises are not only charged or apply for PT Pertamina ( Persero ) .
” If it is assumed that way then do not just PT Pertamina is responsible for maintaining energy security but all business enterprises are subsidized and non-subsidized fuel should also have operational reserves , ” said Ifan , Monday ( 01/27/2014 ) in Jakarta .
Therefore , said Ifan , greeting familiar Fanshurulah Asa , when duties BPH Migas in the Oil and Gas Law No. 22 of 2001 in Article 46 paragraph ( 3 ) is translated as enterprises operating reserves , it needs to be implemented redefinition . ” Auth BPH Migas on the national fuel reserves redefinition also need to be implemented , ” he concluded .
Currently PT Pertamina has operational reserve for 21 days . But other enterprises registered and no permission from the Directorate General of Oil and Gas Enterprise 144 . Of these who do not have a lot of operational reserves . Here Enterprises to become a broker and there is no indication even sell the fuel subsidy to the industry illegally happened .
” So the solution immediately BPH Migas regulations that make enterprises to PSO and non- PSO must have a minimum operational fuel reserve with Pertamina . Sure gradual implementation time , ” he said .
Meanwhile , the Committee Saryono Hadiwidjoyo BPH Migas said fuel reserves is something very, very important . Balongan it ‘s just 5 days , if anything happens eg burst pipe , how ?
” Japan ‘s cadanganya 203 days . How conscious Japan . We are a national 21 days . Minimal operational reserve was increased . Even that figure is still extremely lacking , ” he said .