In order to further the implementation of the provisions of Article 5 and Article 6 of Presidential Decree No. 71 Year 2005 , BPH Migas has undertaken a series of activities in order to assess Enterprises holder of the Commercial General Fuel Oil with regard to the assignment plan in the supply and distribution of Certain Types of Fuel in the country in 2012.
The process was started in June by inviting Enterprises holder of the Commercial General Fuel Oil to follow the selection made by BPH Migas . BPH Migas accordance with Article 6 of the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 0044 of 2005 has formed the Executive Team Assignment Supply and Distribution of Fuel Type Specific ( P3JBT ) 2012 whose members are from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources , Ministry of Finance , and BPH Migas itself , whose duties the selection of enterprises to be designated to receive the assignment.
BPH Migas invited 39 enterprises that have business licenses Commercial General Fuel Oil from the Government , to follow the general description of the Business Entity Selection designation implementing the provision and distribution of Certain Types of Fuel . Of the 39 enterprises that there are 19 enterprises in the public General Explanation submitted by BPH Migas . Enterprises that take the assignment document consists of 11 enterprises . Of the 11 enterprises , only 4 enterprises that deliver the offer and their ability to present the Entity appointed as executor of the assignment in the supply and distribution of Certain Types of fuel oil in the country.
The four enterprises are PT Pertamina ( Persero ) , PT AKR Corporindo Tbk , PT PETRONAS Niaga Indonesia , and PT Surya Parna Niaga. Fourth Enterprises has also been through the stages of document evaluation assignment.
BPH Migas committee notice Reports Executive Team Leader 2011 P3JBT fuel -depth evaluation and verification / field visit on December 14 to December 20, 2011 , to check the completeness and readiness of the facilities that will be used by the enterprises concerned.
On Tuesday, December 27, 2011 , through trial BPH Migas committee decided to re-establish the PT Pertamina ( Persero ) as assigned by the Business Entity umtuk the supply and distribution of fuel in the country , and in addition to the Assembly Committee on BPH Migas also establishes three companion Enterprises , PT AKR Corporindo . , PT Petronas Niaga Indonesia , and PT Surya Parna Niaga to participate in the establishment Supply and Distribution of Specific Types of Fuel Oil ( Premium Gasoline , Kerosene and Diesel Oil ) as a companion to PT Pertamina (Persero).
Location assignment 3 ( three ) of the companion is outside Java and Bali . It is intended to fill the areas or points that had not been there subsidized fuel distribution services, while the people really need.
As an institution that gave the assignment to the General Commercial Enterprises to provide and distribute Specific Fuel Type , then BPH Migas as mandated by Law No. . 22 Year 2001 on Oil and Gas , Article 8 paragraph ( 4 ) in conjunction with Article 46 paragraph ( 1 ) would increase oversight of the supply and distribution of Fuel Type Specific ( Subsidized fuel ) in the context of law enforcement , BPH Migas will cooperate with relevant agencies crack down on unscrupulous is not responsible for the acts of fraud and / or subsidized fuel smuggled out of the country.
On assignment in 2012 , BPH Migas enterprises to implement the provision and distribution of Fuel Type Specific products with emphasis on the utilization of domestic refineries , owned by PT Pertamina ( Persero ) , PT Trans Pacific Petrochemical Oil and Gas Education and Training Center Cepu INDOTAMA and in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 71 Year 2005 , besides that, in accordance with Presidential Decree No. . 45 In 2009 , fuel type -specific distribution will be done in a closed system that implementation is done in stages. Similarly, the distribution of Fuel Type Specific attention to the use of biofuel as mandated by Presidential Decree No. 45 of 2009.
Jakarta, Desember 2011
BPH Migas