Preparation of coordination meetings Fuel Usage Settings For Oil And Mining

Rakor-Persiapan-Pengaturan-Penggunaan-BBM-Untuk-Perkebunan-Dan-PertambanganBANJARMASIN . Limiting consumption of fuel oil ( BBM ) Subsidized for vehicles used in mining and plantation activities scheduled to take effect on 1 September 2012 . In practice of course required the formation of Supervision Team in areas involving military and police elements , both at the provincial and district / city and socialization in advance in order to have the same understanding , especially for the two elements so as to form a team that is really solid.

As stated by the Committee Members Board Downstream Oil and Gas ( BPH Migas ) Dr . Ibrahim Hashim , Coordination Meeting ( Rakor ) preparatory arrangements for the use of fuel plantation and mining by PT Pertamina ( Persero ) Banjarmasin , South Kalimantan Provincial Government Bureau of Economics , Department of Plantation South Kalimantan , South Kalimantan provincial Department of Mines , South Kalimantan Police , and Oil and Gas Hiswana Banjarmasin , yet this old.

According to Ibrahim , meeting coordination still needs to be done and expanded to involve District / City Government , Department of Transportation , SMEs , Revenue , Gapki , Gapkindo and Enterprise Assistance PT Pertamina ( Persero ) . Coordination meeting is necessary to obtain a picture of the complexity of plantations and mining activities , so that the rule to be prepared to be applicable and effective.

” Also required vehicle data , both the type and number , which is used for plantations and mining operations , both for the production or delivery of products . This data is needed to determine the amount of stickers to be printed , to know the approximate number of non- subsidized fuel volume that should be provided to serve the transporter and forms of supervision that will be designed . Especially for vehicles plantation activity can be obtained at revenue , ” he said.

Ibrahim added , because there is Regulation (Regulation ) that have been issued to regulate the installation stickers on motor vehicles and how the arrangements for the installation of a new sticker , the necessary alignment with the advanced rules associated with problems sticker . Regulation No. 3 of 2008 needs to be investigated further , particularly in relation to a period of granting dispensation owned plantations and mining vehicles.

” Thus the installation Vehicle Stickers on mining and plantation goods transport is expected to run smoothly without regulatory constraints . In order to effectively sticker installation is being studied in order to enter the minimum period of the contract between the owner of the plantation or mining entrepreneur transporter , in the Regulation Department of Plantation and mining officials who are drafting the concept , ” he said.


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