JAKARTA – To avoid lengthy queues occurred at General Fuel Filling Station(Gas Station), in accordance with government directives, PT Pertamina(Persero) to normalize the supply of fuel oil (BBM) subsidy to the public.
Vice President of Corporate Communications of Pertamina Ali Mundakir saylook at the development of the situation in the community, Pertamina begintonight, Tuesday (26/8) decided to do a normalization of subsidized fuelsupply to the community so that there is no more supply cuts both forpremium and diesel. However, the distribution will still be measurable and targeted in accordance with the conditions of each area.
“As of this evening, the distribution of subsidized fuel to gas stations normalization is done to remedy the situation.Meanwhile, the potential for exceeding the quota of fuel subsidy in the state budget in 2014 that became the basis of the previous distribution arrangement, the government will decide on policy solutions that will not harmPertamina”, he said.
As we know, the past few days a number of retail outlets in Indonesia occurred queue. This is due to the control ofthe distribution of subsidized fuel at the pump. “Control is done in accordance with the availability of quota fuelderived from 48 million to 46 million KL KL”, said Marketing and Commercial Director of PT. Pertamina HanungBudya, Monday (25/8) in Senayan, Jakarta.