Public Hearing Draft Regulation BPH Migas On Assignment Supply and Specific Fuel Distribution and Special Assignment

public11Jakarta – Regulatory Agency for Upstream Oil and Gas (BPH Migas) on Wednesday (19/08/2015) conduct public hearings Regulation BPH Migas On Assignment Enterprises to Implement Fuel Supply and Distribution Type Specific and Special Assignment.

Issuance of Presidential Decree No. 191 Year 2014, BPH Migas Committee expressed Saryono Hadiwidjoyo fuel type has been divided into three types, including Type Specific or disubisdi, special assignments, and General.

“With this change, the Governing Body should establish Regulations Assignment of Enterprise Supply and Distribution of Fuel Type Specific and Special Assignment. So there are two types which shall be established by BPH Migas, “he said.

Presented Saryono, before this Regulation in draftkan BPH Migas required to conduct public hearings. The aim is to get input from the parties before all brought to the Committee hearing.

“At the public hearing, we would like to see and to get input before the draft regulation could be heard, as in BPH Migas entirely through Committee hearing,” said Saryono.

As we know that the trip of the assignment of the fuel since 2005, 2009, 2014 and now this is through perpres 71, 2005 junto Presidential Decree 45 of 2009 and Presidential Decree 15 of 2012 and Rule BPH Migas number 09 / P / BPH Migas / XII / 2005 and BPH Migas Regulation No. 18 / P / BPH Migas / V / 2009.

Attended the event including BPH Migas Committee Fanshurullah Asa, Sumihar Panjaitan, DG Otda Kemdendagri, the Commission, and representatives of enterprises such as PT. Pertamina (Persero), PT. Aneka Kimia Raya Corporindo, PT. Jasatama Petroindo, PT. Dinar Putra Mandiri and others.


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