Trends of Oil had falls, a Good Moment to Build Communication about Long Term Fuel Imports

lindaJakarta – World oil prices amid a downward trend. Currently estimated at onlyabout US $59 per barrel. The decline in world oil prices have become a good moment for the oil importing countries such as Indonesia.

Downstream Regulatory Agency Committee on Oil and Gas (BP Migas) IbrahimHashim said, although oil production target Indonesia reached at around 1million barrels per day was considered still will not be enough to meetdomestic needs and it takes time to develop new oil fields. So inevitably the government still must import.

“The downward trend in oil prices is now a good moment for the government.The government should immediately establish communication how to build asystem of long-term imports from countries that are having trouble exportingoil. It hrus our approach to building a long term business systems.”, Ibrahim said in Jakarta, Monday (12/22/2014).

Ibrahim outlines, the government could emulate the model case of Russia with China on gas. In the event ofkeribuatan with Ukraine, which all Western European gas pipeline passing through Ukraine, Russia confusion gasmakes her want to carry around. China finally take this opportunity.

“The model we should emulate. Every year oil imports continued to increase. There is nothing the government’spolicies, Indonesia still have to import crude oil and fuel”, said Ibrahim.


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