Visit to BPH Migas, Sudirman Said: I Request Two Things

sdrmnJakarta – Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) Sudirman Saidvisited the office BPH Migas. Sudirman arrived around 10:30 pm, welcomed by the Head of BPH Migas Andy Noorsaman Sommeng.

Sudirman and Andy directly to the conference room located on the 5th floor ofBuilding BPH Migas. Meeting was attended by BPH Migas Committee, among others Fahmi Harsandono, Sumihar Panjaitan, Saryono Hadiwidjoyo, Karseno,Martin Samodra Ritonga, Ibrahim Hashim, A. Qoyum Tjandranegara, Director of Fuel, Natural Gas Director and Secretary of BPH Migas.

During the meeting, he left the two things to BPH Migas. The first is about the blueprint BPH Migas. According towhether allowing BPH Migas create a blueprint downstream oil and gas infrastructure.

“Make a blueprint for how we construct downstream of infrastructure, ranging from the need for refineries, gas stations, SPBGs to domestic gas network. Not only infrastructure but also how to manage the whole. Blueprintsthat will be the benchmark for BPH Migas to execute his authority.”, Said Sudirman Said, Wednesday (01/14/2015).

Both made a massive training program for supply chain management so that people from the refinery manager,depot manager to manager of the gas station understand the meaning of supply chain and logistics for the national interest.

“That’s where we can enter the actual start of the most basic matter how technically up on nationalism. That isurusanya not just how ngecor to tank but ideology is built well”, he said.

Sudirman added slowly to the regulation will be made, the infrastructure is built then the person educated. “Withthe third will be parallel”, he concluded.


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