Bojonegoro – Head of Downstream Oil and Gas (BPH Migas) Andy NoorsamanSommeng accompanied by the officials of the Directorate of Natural Gas andBPH Migas Secretariat attended the inauguration of a gas pipeline projectCoarse sand Semarang (Gresem) along 271 kilometers (km) in Bojonegoro,Wednesday (9 / 10/2015).
The project, which has a capacity of 500 million standard cubic feet per day(MMSCFD) is directly opened by the Coordinating Minister for Economic AffairsChairul Tanjung by pressing the siren button. Project contractor is a consortium of PT Wijaya Karya Tbk, PTKencana Teens Build Contractor, and PT Kelsri. The execution of the project took 18 months, and will be ready for operation in the first quarter of 2016.
The project is built to ensure the distribution of gas in the region of Central Java and East Java will pass through 4districts / cities in Central Java and three districts in East Java. Gresem pipeline started from the metering stationand ends at Gresik Pertagas Lorok Pond. President Director Hendra Jaya Pertagas describes the construction of thispipeline using the concept of open access, in order to realize an integrated gas infrastructure of Java.
Hendra sure the process is completed on time as planned, given the socialization to local governments through which the pipeline has been completed. Construction of this project has a strategic significance, not only in support of government programs in the conversion of fuel to the fuel gas for the industry, but also realize an integratedgas infrastructure on the island of Java as the support of the national economy, “said Hendra.
Pertagas has received an allocation of the excess gas from the East Java Kangean by 30 MMSCFD in 2016, and in 2019 Pertagas also gets gas supply Cepu Field Blue and Sandalwood Tiung of 100 MMSCFD and gas potential ofthe Cepu field Alas Tua started the year at 110 MMSCFD in 2022.
Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo stated, it opened the door as wide as possible for Pertagas to accelerate the development process Gresem this project, to immediately benefit the community. “We support Gresik-Semarang pipeline project in order to deliver a positive impact for the industry, the multiplier effect localcommunities to raise revenue for the construction of the necessary infrastructure in Central Java,” said Ganjar.
While the Governor of East Java, Soekarwo said, gas surpluses in East Java has not fully enjoyed by the community. Later after this Gresem gas pipeline built, then each pipeline segment that is passed, the public will be able to utilize gas for households and includes transportation. “The sooner the pipeline is completed awakenedwould be better for gas utilization in various sectors in East Java,” he said.