Jakarta – Regulatory Agency for Upstream Oil and Gas (BP Migas) set new regulations for the natural gas price Household and Small Customers in the city of Jambi and Prabumulih sold by PT. Pertagas Commerce.
As is known to the provisions of Article 46 paragraph (3) e of Law Number 22 of 2001 jo. Article 5 paragraph e of Government Regulation No. 67 of 2002 as amended by Government Regulation No. 49 of 2012, the Governing Body Downstream Oil and Gas (BP Migas) has the authority to set the price of natural gas for Household and Small Customers.
Promulgated on 6 April 2015, the Business Entity shall inform and improve service standards and comply with the regulations and guidelines set by BPH Migas.
At the time of this regulation applies, BPH Migas Regulation No. 10 and 11 in 2013 on the selling price of natural gas through pipelines to consumers Household and Small Customers Jambi city distribution network and Prabumulih revoked and declared invalid.
While in Rule No. 4 in 2015 on the selling price of natural gas through pipelines to consumer households and small customers in town Prabumulih set, Household 1 (RT-1) at most Rp 4,500 / m3, Household 2 (RT-2) at most Rp 6,750 / m3, Small Customer 1 (SR-1) at most Rp 4,500 / m3, Small Customer 2 (SR-2) at most Rp 6,750 / m3.
Rule Number 3 2015 on the selling price of natural gas through pipelines to consumer households and small customers in the city of Jambi set, Household 1 (RT-1) at most Rp 4,500 / m3, Household 2 (RT-2) most many of Rp 7,000 / m3, Small Customer 1 (SR-1) at most Rp 4,500 / m3, Small Customer 2 (SR-2) at most Rp 7,000 / m3.