Jakarta – Regulatory Agency for Upstream Oil and Gas (BPH Migas) the working visit of Members of the House of Representatives (DPRD) Commission B, Mimika District, Wednesday (15/10).
Parliament delegation was received by the Committee BPH Migas MartinSamodra Ritonga fuel accompanied by the Director of Hendra Fadly and staffs.The visit was carried out in order to coordinate issues concerning the provisionand distribution of fuel oil (BBM) which occurs in Mimika district.
District Commission B DPRD members Mimiki Adematulessy Johan said that the provision of fuel in Mimika are stillhaving problems. One is the existence of infrastructure such as fuel depots are not yet available. Though the quota required is quite large. Fuel in Mimika regency of Mimika is not only used for their own but also other districts.
“Our desire was that we could have Pertamina depot itself. So as to tackle the problem of fuel in our area. Wewant Pertamina to take over and not through a jobber again. If we think the problem under Pertamina fuel inMimika district will not have problems”, he said.
Responding to proficiency level, Martin Samodra explained, that as the commercial and social center for the wholedistrict in the region need attention include one of them is the arrangement of infrastructure such as depots.
While BPH Migas fuel Director Hendra Fadly revealed very supportive in bangunya Depot in the area. “I think thatup to now there is no depot we strongly support dibangunya fuel depot in Mimika. There are several proceduresthat must be met, such as the study and also permits from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources,Directorate General of Oil and Gas in this case”, he concluded.