Jakarta – Pangatur Agency Downstream Oil and Gas (BPH Migas) on Tuesday (12/8) implement Halal Bihalal with stakeholders in the downstream sector.
“On behalf of myself and the large family of BPH Migas, I would like wal minalaidin faidzin, apologize and unseen”, said Chief Andy Noorsaman SommengBPH Migas.
On the occasion, Chief Andy Noorsaman Sommeng BPH Migas said tasks andchallenges that will be faced by BPH Migas in the downstream sub-sector of the future may not only be implemented BPH Migas.
“The stakeholders must work together to commit to work better for the progress of the downstream sub-sector,the energy sector in particular and the general”, said Andy.
Attended the event throughout the BPH Migas committee member, representative of enterprises in thedownstream sector, the Echelon II, III and IV and the staffs of the BPH Migas.