Maintaining Oil Production with Disaster Management

Mempertahankan-Produksi-Migas-dengan-Manajemen-BencanaNatural disasters are a phenomenon that will continue to be a latent problem for society in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia Islands . Reasons for Geotectonic country is a hyper- active regions of the world because besieged by zone – zone collision with the Asian continent Pancake Pancake Indian Ocean, and driven by the Pacific Ocean Plate Australian Plate chop . In addition Indonesian Archipelago is also wrapped by two main lines of volcanoes of the world , that strip of Mediterranean volcanic west and crossing Sirkum volcano in the eastern Pacific .

Motion and the dynamics of the elements above Geotectonic potential to produce major natural disaster , particularly earthquakes, tsunamis , volcanic erupt , spraying or discharge volcanic products , cold lava floods , landslides , storms, flash floods , and others. This is reinforced by the action of human exploit natural resources ; particularly forest resources , minerals and mineral materials , disregarding the principles of environmental sustainability and density of development strategy of sustainability.

Flood events farms oil and gas ( oil and gas ) in the lowlands and coastal East Aceh , the northern coastal lowlands and North Sumatra , and the coastal lowlands north of Jambi and Riau in late 2006 and has put out a variety of production facilities and influence the level of production of oil and gas fields in the region. In addition, there is the potential loss of other intangible assets that can not be calculated , ie lunturnya employee work ethic and traumatic feelings of children and families impacted employees in a loss of concentration and kefokusan in performing tasks. If damage to the production facilities and physical environment can quickly be corrected in post-disaster recovery phase of the traumatic impact and other effects arising fisikologis need more time to recover as it was .

Therefore, to the government and private sector institutions , along with all walks of life need to participate diedukasi accordance with the scope of duties and obligations, so since childhood mem – prepare yourself how to live air- adjoint and peace in disaster-prone areas . Oil and gas companies operating in these areas since the early appear to bear the responsibility as part of its corporate citizenship through the development of a Crisis Management Team ( CMT ), which together with the Corporate Social Responsibility Team ( CSRT ) .

The formation of the team , not only to assist internal and external stakeholders sinergisitas but both teams are highly determines the effectiveness of the current rice koordi – disaster , especially in the division of tasks to maintain production . During quiet time ( pre- disaster ) CMT collaboration with CSRT to produce coordination planning CSR programs for the community to be more focused with an anticipatory perspective of potential disaster. This is important, so that when a disaster occurs surrounding communities can survive and do not interfere with production activities while in the emergency situation .

CMT and CSRT cooperation in the implementation of the program in quiet pre- disaster phase is intended to increase knowledge of the quality of human resources (HR ), includes the following employee ‘s household, and the community, about natural disasters and environmental issues, as well as the density of development various infra structure facilities are free disaster and expansion of public health. While direct assistance activities at the time of the disaster , or phase resque to rescue casualties , property and the environment from the realization of a creative alternative agenda referred to the second team . For post-disaster situations , referred to as the recovery phase of reconstruction and rehabilitation activities , prioritize CMT density of development infra structure damaged production so that production activity returned to normal immediately , while phasing CSRT able together to improve community social facilities and public facilities damaged . Collaboration involving community participation will create multiplayer effect of accelerating the process of development of the longevity of society around the area of post-disaster operations .

CMT Sinergisitas between the CSRT and natural functions of production operations , both in the emergency response phase ( resque ) or post-disaster ( recovery period ) seyogianya aims to maintain production levels , empowerment and growing independence of the victims of internal stakeholders and external communities when disaster shelter into a complex of buildings and industrial facilities , particularly for environmental health recovery and healing of traumatic psychological counseling of employees and their families .

Disaster Management in the Field of Oil and Gas

Dianta Wake (2005 ) stated that the role of government in disaster response efforts and efforts by national environmental activities include nature prevensi , mitigation , preparedness , emergency response, rehabilitation and reconstruction . Sixth activity in question , commonly known as Disaster Management Cycle . Based on the nature and condition of the oil and gas field is Disaster Management Cycle is divided into 3 main groups of activities , namely activities Prabencana , ( currently ) Disasters, and Disasters .

First , the prabencana or referred to as the phase of awareness ( awareness ) would be a disaster, many programs result of strategic collaboration between CMT and CSRT in a planned and integrated can be done , among other things : ( 1 ) empowerment of human resources ( HR) staff and their families well his , as well as the surrounding community through the manufacture and distribution of leaflets and posters thematic nature of the growth of public awareness of the potential , the type and nature of the disaster that was behind the chemo- lekan environment where they reside , ( 2 ) increase the knowledge of stakeholders about the disaster , quick mechanism in response , the steps that need to resque , quickly and accurately to minimize casualties, property losses push / objects , as well as efforts mempertaahankan production level , (3 ) weightless cord Canaan regional development and the growth in tataruang on-site oil and gas fields and surrounding region , ( 4 ) environmental conservation .

Second , the activities referred to as phase when disaster anticipation and action in the form of direct responsi Emergency and resque . Based on the reality of the conditions in the field, the more prominent programs in priode is thematic in nature activities , a second in the form of aid to anticipate the emergency response, among others, the provision of : ( 1 ) a means of shelter , home / shelter barracks , tents , umbrellas , raincoats , jacket / shirt thick , blankets , etc. , ( 2 ) health facilities themselves ( drugs and blood donors ) and environmental health ( sanitation , clean water and latrines in evacuation ) , (3 ) clothing and food / kitchen, ( 4 ) schools and sports equipment , (5 ) equipment / devices pregnant women , infants and nursing , etc. .

In addition to counseling activities may also be given to the victims heartwarming , reduce the psychological impact of a traumatic nature , and growth op- timisme . As does facil – rian contribution kebutuh materials and equipment ‘s primary (only ) to the victim , such as a wheelchair or crutches to sacrifice fractures through the post – aid post and pussy – kesmas location .

Third , the agenda of the post-disaster phase . Post-disaster situation is also referred to as a period of recovery programs are disominasi reconstruction and rehabilitation. Synergy – sitas CMT and focused on kegiat CSRT ‘s activities in the rebuilding of infrastructure, especially the production facilities , social infrastructure and public facilities damaged by the disaster , among others : ( 1 ) the rehabilitation of various production facilities such as pumps , generator , flow line , station collectors, etc. , ( 2 ) the development of back office facilities , and other means of support operations , (3 ) housing rehabilitation workers , streets, schools , houses of worship , duct sanitation , etc. , ( 4 ) development of means precludes mate community and environmental health , (5 ) empowering victims of disasters ; ( 6 ) mental rehabilitation and support services for handicapped ( 7 ) repatriation that has fallen victim stretches from dumb – arganya , ( 8 ) the economic and social empowerment of cultural offerings ; etc. .

Flash floods in the region Oilfield

Flash flood that hoof oil plantations owned by PT Pertamina EP ( PEP ) region , Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam on 22 to 26 December 2006 and as high as 1-4 meters have hampered oil production operations PEP average 2,500 barrels per day . Workers evacuated by 605 heads of families because 90 % of housing and office complex PEP flood submerged region .

The quick move made ​​by CMT ( from PEP and Central Sumatra Region under the coordination of the Director of Operations PEP) and CSRT (Tim Integrated Care Pertamina and elements supporting functions PEP Region Sumatran coordinated by GM Public Relations Manager HSE PEP and PEP ) , and coordinated the natural functions of production operations PEP region on the condition of disaster emergency response time , both in rescue facilities and enterprise documents , evacuate the workers and their families , provide food and kitchen, checking precludes mate and environmental hygiene as well as providing assistance to community the region around the complex running smoothly.

Pengeksekusian agendas struksi rekon – and post-disaster rehabilitation , and particularly – ma in recovery efforts acceleration PEP producing oil field region is gradually yielded significant enough . Keterpaduan coordination and cooperation between the team element defined in time not too long , has helped the growth of oil production that could be back when the site ceases to floods . Reaktifikasi some production facilities are not so bad when flooded, on 27 December 2006 have been able to siphon crude oil production as much as 800 barrels per day . Information received during the writer of this article reoperasi completed by 1 month , production facilities PEP ‘s oil region reached an average of 2,000 barrels per day.


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