Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Agree there BPH Migas have Regional Representative

ssaidJakarta – Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) Sudirman Saidrespond to the proposal of the Governing Body of the Downstream Oil and Gas(BP Migas) to their representation in the area.

“Regarding BPH in the area, I agree. But do not start from the crowded cities,but rural areas. This is because we focus on place-right that is logisticallydifficult to reach,” said Sudirman when visiting the office of BPH Migas,Wednesday (14 / 1/2015).

If in the near future, such as BPH Migas made a Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) in Papua or areas difficult to reach, it will be consequences fare, but it was not anything.

“The assigned there if necessary have activities such as mining models, six weeks there, two weeks off but peoplewere actually given the authority to reach out to various parties and important no scarcity”, he said.

Previous Sumihar Panjaitan BPH Migas Committee revealed that the strength of BPH Migas, by openingrepresentative offices in the area. This is also done in order to support the preparation of buffer stock. “So thatBPH may function as expected in the Act,” said Sumihar.

After meeting with the Committee, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources immediately met with officials of Echelon III and IV in the BPH Migas. In front of the echelon II and IV of the BPH Migas, Sudirman invited tostraighten crooked things which may be covered up with all sorts of ways.

“Our country is being cleaned up, being changed. The government and public sector leaders had no more room tohide, to cover practices that are less good. The period now and in the future it is no good deeds that can becovered within long. If ancient evil people continue to fester and further build the perception untouched “,concluded Sudirman.


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