Jakarta – Marketing and Commercial Director of PT Pertamina (Persero)Hanung Budya explain the occurrence of queues at some petrol stations in theregion because of the possibility Indoneia circulating wrong information, as if thefuel oil (BBM) at the pump runs. “Stock Pertamina fuel both PSO and non-PSOwhich we are over 18 days of national needs. So instead of scarcity. No it(scarcity)”, Hanung said at the Parliament Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday (25/8).
Recognized Hanung, fuel at the pump is controlled in accordance with the availability of quota derived from 48million kiloliters (KL) to 46 million KL. “If the national quota lowered every province must also be adjustments willcontinue down until there is an adjustment to the gas station”, said Hanung. He said that what is controlling in accordance with the circular head of BPH Migas. PT. Pertamima perform several steps, one of them controlling thedistribution of PSO fuel at the pump, where gasoline Premium reduced to 5%.
“So if one gas station was selling 10 tons per day we subtract 500 liters on the day. But we prepare Non PSO withenough fuel. So actually there is no scarcity of fuel”, he said.
He expects the awareness of the community, especially those who are better off economically for fuel to non-PSOso little to help the country. There is no reason for people to panic and so forth because there is all the fuel stock.
“If the PSO afternoon fuel runs out please switch to Non PSO because the next day we will supply again”, he said.He added that this phenomenon will continue because it is constrained by the expectations of consumers switching to fuel Non PSO.