Jakarta – Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sudirman Said, who was appointed President Jokowi, Monday (10/27/2014) revealed will restoresubsidy on its track.
“What we do is to restore the subsidy to the beneficiary through programssuch grassroots pro sound card, smart card, card prosperous and irrigation schemes will be launched as soon as possible before the end we restore thesubsidy to those who deserve it”, said Sudirman when jumpar press on Wednesday (10/29/2014) in the lobby of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
Sudirman added, in time for the allocation of subsidies is needed, it will be the removal of fuel subsidies so pricesbecome normal and subsidies that have not enjoyed by the right people will be directed to the people who deserve it.
While related to infrastructure such as refineries, Sudirman long enough to explain the sector is not doing a hard thing for people but it is important for the future.
“Building a refinery that it is difficult but important for the future. Membungun central fuel storage facility that may be difficult but it is important for the future. We will review the entire case pending to be encouraged so thatinfrastructure development is a priority”, he said.
According to him, for energy independence memabangun back then must have a shelf life, storage, and must havesufficient processing so as not to depend on the market.