Jakarta – Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sudirman Said has formed a team Manage Oil and Gas, chaired by Faisal Basri. The team has spawned a number of recommendations. One is the elimination of gasoline RON 88 or more often called premium gasoline.
Basic legal team was formed in November 2014 it became a question MemberHouse of Representatives Commission VII, from Gerindra Party, BambangHaryadi.
“What is the legal basis for the establishment of the Oil and Gas Governance Reform Team it. Is this a team ofvoluntary or indeed their one Indonesian citizens who are called because they feel it is important to combat the oilmafia. If there are paid, I question who is paying and the budget is taken from where?” , said Bambang.
Answering the question, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sudirman Said said essentially the Ministerial Decree. He could give direction to the team, because that’s the instrument needed to make corrections.
“The Minister has the authority to have teams Ad Hoc”, concluded Sudirman, during a meeting with CommissionVII of the House of Representatives on Monday (1/26/2015) in Senayan, Jakarta. Working Session which beganaround 14:00 pm that ended around 23:00 pm.
Currently, more Sudirman, Tim is reviewing the matter of institutional SKK Migas and inputs for the completion ofoil and gas law in the future.
“It’s part of their studies as well. It should be in 4 months they complete the task because I am actually moreexpect them as a trigger of various studies after which it will re-done by the internal functions”, he said.