Jakarta – Mayor John Lhokseumawe Suadi, Thursday (4/9) invites stakeholdersto sit together to think about the continuation of the assets of PT Arunintegrally Post in October 2014, not partial as reflected in reality and discourselately.
“The era of the triumph of PT Arun LNG will end. Millions of dollars of assetsleft by the resource region”, he said during a conference speaker panel discussion Arun LNG receiving terminal development in order to support thedevelopment of Aceh, Jakarta.
He said efforts to use the assets of PT Arun substance placed in the corridor of Law number 11 of 2006 on the Government of Aceh, in the BAL of Article 160 paragraph 1, explicitly expressed that the management of oil and gas in Aceh conducted jointly by the Central Government and the Government of Aceh.
“The scenario any future position as spectator areas had not his time anymore”, he concluded.
Meanwhile Downstream Regulatory Agency Committee on Oil and Gas Earth (BPH Migas) Hashim Ibrahim revealedthat the development of the Arun LNG receiving terminal in order to support regional development should not be seen from just about gas, but judging from the success of the government in order to rebuild the mining towns orindustry has been declining economy could rise again.
“Not much in this world that work. Arun functions previously as foreign suppliers to develop their country has become a supplier of energy to the development area”, said Ibrahim.
Also present at the event including, Mayor Langsa, North Aceh district chief, Advisor to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry Wiratmaja Puja, BPH Migas committee Martin Samodra Ritonga and Harsandono Fahmi,director Djoko Gas Siswanto BPH Migas, representatives of the regional government in Jakarta and AcademyAlumni Association of Oil and Gas (Ilugas).