JAKARTA. Delegate Agency Downstream Oil and Gas (BPH Migas) committee led by BPH Migas A. Qoyum Tjandranegara who accompanied the delegation PT PGN and PT Pertamina Gas recently had a meeting with the Chairman of the Petroleum And Natural Gas Regulatory Board of India (PNGRB), Krishnan WTC office, Babar Road, New Delhi.
During the meeting, A. Qoyum as Chairman of the Delegation stated that BPH Migas as a regulator of Operations Gas Pipeline Through carrying out the responsibility for the regulation and supervision of business activities and the fuel supply and distribution businesses through a pipeline transporting natural gas in order to ensure the supply and distribution of fuel throughout the Homeland and encourage increased utilization of natural gas in the country.
Delivered Qoyum , meeting the main goal is to improve the understanding of the regulation of transmission and distribution business as well as natural gas through pipelines , in particular the organization of the auction area as well as natural gas distribution infrastructure tendering process natural gas through pipelines that do PNGRB and related issues can be used for comparison with conditions in Indonesia.
Meanwhile , Krishnan such as regulator BPH Migas in Indonesia , also has beberpa time doing yard area distribution networks ( WJD ), like in Mumbai Maharasthra carrier gas . The pattern is quite interesting auctions in India , where there is a provision in the auction terms that operators are also obliged to build a CNG station facility that is used for gas fuel for transportation.
Stages auction in India consists of two phases, namely , financial assessment and Technical Assessment . Business Entity interest in submitting a bid for the Expression Gas Availability.
India is one of the countries with natural gas reserves do not require the import of natural gas from Qatar to meet domestic needs . In developing a gas pipeline infrastructure , PNGRB enforce free competition . However, many problems, such as the bulk of the auction no interest and most WJD auction that has not completed its development DAPT.
Problems – problems that become inputs for BPH Migas in the auction privileges gas pipeline infrastructure in Indonesia given the constraints that occur in India is similar to what happened in Indonesia premises characterized as a developing country that has many industries but still scattered location , and infrastructure are still menghabat wheels yet integrated economic development.