Realization of PSO fuel Over 875 409 2014 KL

pertaminaJakarta – The allocation of the volume of fuel oil (BBM) which is distributed by PTPertamina (Persero) of 45,640,953 liters experienced over a quota of 875 409kiloliters.

“Realization of up to December 31, 2014 amounted to 46,516,362 over of 875 409 KL KL”, said Director of Marketing and Business PT. Pertamina (Persero) Ahmad Bambang, through a letter sent to BPH Migas dated January 29, 2015.

Quota state budget adjustment through December 31, 2014, amounted to 29.412 million KL premium gasoline.Realization occurs over 29,630,526 KL KL quota of 218 526, or 0.7%. Quota inyak land of 900,000 KL, KL 916 643 realization occurs over a quota of 16 643 or 1.8%. Diesel oil that quota 15,328,953 KL, KL 15,969,193 realization occurs over quota 640 240 KL or over 4.2%. The data has not been verified Regulatory Agency Downstream Oil and Gas (BP Migas).

PSO overall fuel sales period up to December 31, 2014 there was an increase of 0.58% compared to 2013. However, the increase was lower than the growth in 2013 versus 2012, which only amounted to 2.81%.

The details of the realization up to December 31, 2012 gasoline 28.2437 million KL, KL 1,183,091 kerosene, and diesel oil 15,559,914 KL. While the realization of up to December 31, 2013, for a premium as much as 29,256,686 KL, kerosene and diesel oil 1,109,046 15,884,613 KL KL.

“Seeing the PSO fuel consumption period of January to December 2014 compared to the same period in 2013 for premium products increased consumption of 1.28% (lower than the increase in consumption growth in 2013 vs. 2012). For the case of diesel oil product consumption by 0.53% penigkatan (lower than growth in 2013 vs. 2012). Kerosene is a decline of 17.35% (lower than the decrease in 2013 vs. 2012) “, he said.


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